How to increase FTTH BSNL Broadband speed after FUP limit? Detailed Report

Broadband customers can continue to enjoy high speed broadband internet even after crossing the FUP limit online via BSNL FUP TOP UP portal: https://fuptopup.bsnl.co.in.

BSNL Broadband / FTTH connection customers frequently asked questions: 

  • 'What is the daily usage limit of FUP on BSNL Broadband or BSNL Bharat Fiber (FTTH)? 
  • How can I increase the download speed after exceeding the FUP limit? 
  • Why my bsnl broadband download speed very slow

Although your BSNL (Bharat Fiber / FTTH) fiber connection is working fine, you may feel that your bsnl speed decreased in the way browsing speed has dropped significantly. Many of our readers have already expressed concerns about these bsnl download speed very slow reporting issues towards the end of the month.

How to increase FTTH BSNL Broadband speed after FUP limit? Detailed Report

The same can also happen with BSNL broadband subscribers (traditional copper wire broadband). The real problem here is with your bsnl speed broadband plans and not with BSNL FTTH or BSNL broadband connectivity. 

As we all know, PSU offers a wide variety of bsnl high speed internet unlimited plans i.e Bharat Fiber over FTTH services and Broadband over ADSL service plans for its fixed line customers across India. Most of these plans have FUP limits. FUP stands for Fair Use Policy.

What is the full form of FUP ? Why do it is necessary for fixed internet customer?

Full form of FUP is Fair Usage Policy the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) implement Fair Use Policy (FUP) taking into account that otherwise a small number of customers may be using an excessive amount of network bandwidth and compromising the experience of a large majority. Therefore, through this policy, ISPs, including BSNL, seek to address this imbalance and provide all customers with the opportunity to experience the bandwidth in the same row.

Under the Fair Use Policy (FUP), BSNL offers various pricing bb high speed plans to meet the customer requirement according to their personal or office need or data download / upload requirements. 

The purpose is that a customer who needs less usage data downloads in a month will not be charged more as different customers have different data download requirements. BSNL has explained clearly that Fair usage policy is applicable to all unlimited broadband plans of bsnl which are available at different monthly rental charges and variable high speed data download limits. This FUP is different for the different telecom circles.

Is there an additional charge from BSNL to get unlimited broadband internet after exceeding the FUP usage limit?

No. After exceeding the FUP usage limit, customers can continue to enjoy unlimited broadband Internet access at reduced speeds based on their subscription plan. BSNL has speed broadband plans with a daily FUP limit and a monthly FUP limit. 

Once the customer reaches a certain data transfer limit (defined in the particular plan), the speed is reduced as indicated in the plan, while unlimited data download at reduced speed is guaranteed. For monthly FUP plans, the customer's maximum speed and data transfer limit are automatically reset at the start of the next monthly billing cycle. For daily FUP plans, broadband speed and usage limit are reset automatically at 00:00 every day.

How can I increase the download speed after exceeding the FUP usage limit?

BSNL Bharat Fiber (FTTH) or broadband customers can continue to enjoy the same unlimited access to high speed broadband internet even after crossing the FUP border by choosing suitable Speed ​​Top Up / FUP Top Up / Speed ​​Restoration packages . FUP cross customers can subscribe to any existing speed recovery package online via the BSNL FUP TOP UP portal: https://fuptopup.bsnl.co.in/

BSNL FUP Top Up / Speed Restoration Restoration Plans for Bharat Fiber FTTH / Broadband connections in all telecom circles

Broadband Speed Restoration Packs

Restoration of original higher speed for the data usage upto Charges (Excluding GST)
Speed Restoration 5 GB plan 5 GB Rs 50/-
Speed Restoration 12 GB plan 12 GB Rs 100/-
Speed Restoration 20 GB plan 20 GB Rs 150/-
Speed Restoration 40 GB plan 40 GB Rs 250/-

BSNL FUP charging plans start at just Rs 50 / - onwards. Previous speed recovery plans will expire after you run out of data usage as mentioned above or complete your billing cycle, whichever comes first.

How can I upgrade my BSNL FTTH broadband speed after the FUP usage limit?

When the FUP limit is exceeded or when the high-speed data usage limit has been consumed, a pop-up message may appear asking the customer: 

"Dear Esteemed customer, 

You're very important to us, we want you to continue browsing at Higher Speeds,
This page is designed to facilitate you to Top-up your speed / restore the higher speed any point of time as per your convenience. Please feel to browse at higher speeds".

How to increase FTTH BSNL Broadband speed after FUP limit? Detailed Report
If you noticed the above message and your bsnl speed limit exceeded, If you are interested in reloading data / speed restoration top-up until the end of the current billing cycle'. By subscribing to these bsnl speed upgrade plans, customers can restore high-speed Internet to their existing broadband plan.

Where can I Restore my existing bsnl broadband plan speed? BSNL Speed Restore Topup  portal.

The online speed restore topup feature for unlimited broadband / FTTH customers is available via the broadband speed upgrade portal (https://fuptopup.bsnl.co.in/ or 9090 / or http: //172.30. 3.130: 8080 / or On recharging to any of speed bsnl topup customers has full access to check their history of previous FUP top-ups on the same portal as well.

How can I check my BSNL / FTTH BSNL broadband usage online?

BSNL customers can use the same Broadband Speed ​​Recharge (FUP topup portal) portal to check their monthly and daily usage. To verify usage, customers should click the "KNOW YOUR USE" link. Then a page will appear showing the total usage for the current day and the total monthly data usage. BSNL will also displays "Service Name" in the same table. 


The service name here is a short acronym assigned to the subscription plan, which includes the maximum download speed, the total FUP data usage limit, and the speed after exceeding the FUP limit.

Do I need to log into the BSNL FUP Top Up portal to find out about my broadband usage?

No, it's not necessary. Using same line of their broadband / ftth connection customers are requested to log into the portal (https://fuptopup.bsnl.co.in). It can be via LAN (wired connectivity) or WiFi (wireless connectivity). After logging into the portal, customers had to click on the "KNOW MY USE" link to get their detailed usage.

So next time, when any message displayed while browsing internet as said above for your BSNL FTTH (bsnl ftth speed problem) or broadband connection showing your download speed very slow (Check connection speed at bsnl speed test portal), simply check your data usage online through the BSNL FUP TOP UP portal. 

How to increase FTTH BSNL Broadband speed after FUP limit? Detailed Report

Verifying BSNL / FTTH Broadband Usage Online is so simple and easy as it requires no login. If your monthly usage fee runs out at the beginning of the month, it's best to upgrade to the next higher plan (bsnl high speed bharat fiber), which offers more data usage before FUP. Customers can change their FTTH / broadband plan online via the BSNL Self Care Portal httwithout visiting BSNL customer service centers or BSNL offices. BSNL Selfcare Portal https://selfcare.bsnl.co.in also provides a detailed FTTH / Broadband data usage report which can be downloaded in Excel or PDF format.

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